Monday 12 August 2024

No Funeral for Nazia by Taha Kehar Spotlight

 The summer months are keeping me busy but I wanted to join the blog tour for Taha Kehar's novel No Funeral for Nazia.

So here is the spotlight post shining a light on this story that is PERFECT for fans of MOHSIN HAMID and KAMILA SHAMSIE.


Set in Pakistan, here is the blurb, I'm pretty sure this will grab your attention:

Nazia Sami is a celebrated author, but perhaps her greatest plot twist is yet to be produced. In her final days, she wields a pen one last time as she fills her diary with instructions for her sister, Naureen, and writes six letters to be delivered after her death.

There is to be no funeral for Nazia. Instead, only six invitees are asked to attend a party, one of whom is a mystery guest. Over the course of an extraordinary evening, secrets are revealed, pasts reconsidered, and lives are forever changed.

Described as a witty and theatrical South Asian mystery novel. It is cleverly set over the course of one single night (making it even more exciting). The author does a great job of exploring the unfinished business death leaves in its wake.

Fairly short in length at 272 pages long, No Funeral for Nazia is available to buy now,

Amazon UK:

Amazon US:

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