Hey there Read With Me linkers.
How are we all?
Thanks as always to those who linked up last week, I know the linky tends to be quieter in the holidays but I'm here every week if you want to share any posts (old or new).
I must apologise as I was a bit late with the linky last week, I accidentally put in the wrong date on the link up form which I didn't realise till a bit later on the Monday (hoping no one noticed). Must pay more attention when blogging!
My favourite post last week came from Sarah with her review of the novel My Brilliant Friend.
Happy reading.
On to the link up. If you'd like to know more about this linky do visit my Read With Me page. For all regular linkers you know the drill, max of two posts and please make the effort to comment on others. You can of course share my badge below:

Thanks very much for choosing me as your favourite for last week!