Hello and welcome to this weeks Read With Me linky. Thank you to everybody who managed to join in in some shape or form last week.
Today is officially the first day of my summer holidays. Three of my children are still in school until Thursday so today I will be making the most of the beginning of my time off, you all know what I'll be doing... reading a good book.
I'm aiming to read at least two books a week because we don't have too many plans. I'm looking forward to sitting in my garden and soaking up some sunshine whilst enjoying a few good (maybe great) novels.
What I'd like to know is, do any of you have any summer book recommendations?
Now my favourite post last week came from Sarah with her honest review of the Stephen King novel The Outsider.
On to the link up. Newbies do look at the Read With Me page, regulars get linking (max of 2 posts/videos), comment on a couple of other posts and perhaps consider displaying my badge of linking back somehow.

Happy reading.
Thanks very much for choosing me as your favourite post of last week. I've always got lots of good book recommendations! Enjoy your break. I always find I read less over the summer.