Friday, 16 March 2018

Parents Evening, Dressing Up and Making Changes #LittleLoves

Seems like I've had such a busy start to the year, never a dull moment although it was nice to finally get some couple time with the husband last weekend (even if it did result in a horrific hangover for me). After putting up with ear ache for majority of the week, I'll admit that I am on the count down for the Easter holidays as I'm in desperate need of a break from routine and craving some proper time with family oh and some warmer weather would be nice. 

This week also sees the end of the abundance of birthdays that I've had to buy presents for, seems mine and the hubby's families mostly cluster around January, February and March, our bank balance needs as much of a break as I feel I do. 

Enough of my usual moaning, here's what I've got to show for this weeks #LittleLoves


Last week I talked about reading the book, The Bone Sparrow. Well when I was around a quarter of the way through reading it, I happened to get a notification that I'd been aprroved to read a certain novel on Netgalley, one I'd been desperate to read for a while. Now I don't typically read more than one book at a time but I was so excited that I downloaded the book instantly and began readin it straight away 


The second book I've started is called Poet X, you may have guessed it involves poetry, something I think I might now read more of.

And just like buses I was presented with a third story to read, another of my requests on Netgalley had been approved. I have been good though and left that one to sit and wait patiently whilst I make my way through the first two, I mean I only have two hands so what would I hold the third one in anyway.


*Friends update* nearly made it to series 10, the end is in sight.

A new TV programme that the husband and I started watching was Channel Zero. If any of you have watched American Horror Story, I would definitely compare it to that. Each season is a new story to follow although I would say that this show hasn't got the gore factor that AHS had, if anything it seems to be a bit more on the ghostly side.
And what did we watch for Friday's movie night I hear you cry. Well I'll tell you, we ended up choosing Shutter Island. I can't resist a film with Leonardo Di Caprio in and this seemed like one of the more appropriate ones for the kids to watch (before you suggest Titanic may I first remind you of how long that film is!).

Any suggestions of what we film we can watch this week?


It was time for the girls' latest parent's evenings yesterday. If I'm honest I wasn't overly surprised at what I was told. They are all steadily progressing, not one of them is behind although Layla really does need to work on talking less and concentrating more but this has been ongoing since she started school so I don't think I will be changing that habit of a life time in the near future.

Seems strange as I've begun talking about applying for secondary schools again for my 10 year old, having been there once already with the eldest I don't feel like I'm ready to go there again, these kids of mine just keep growing up too fast.


The girls' school never celebrates World Book Day on the correct day, although I don't think many schools actually did that this year. Any way it was Monday when their turn finally came around for dressing up. In the end they chose Where's Wally, Sugar Lump the Unicorn and Alison from Pretty Little Liars. I'll admit I was more than pleased that they chose costumes where I didn't have to attempt to sew anything.


This week we made a change, well I say we, it was more the husband's doing. We've been the owners of Vauxhall Zafiras for a few years now but our latest one was coming to the point of needing more than a few pound spent on it as well as the obligatory MOT so the decision was made on Sunday to start looking for a slightly newer car. By Monday the hubby had driven somewhere, test driven a car and paid for it and by Wednesday he'd collected the keys and come home in a new motor.

We're now the proud owners of a Chevrolet Captiva. Not the most fancy of cars, still a seven seater but it is slightly bigger and a has is a bit more modernised than our previous car. The other half is happy enough and that's what matters really seen as he'll be the one doing all of the driving still. I struggle with anxiety over driving so it only happens once in a blue moon, much to my husband's dismay.

And lastly . . . 

I just wanted to show off what I was bought for Mother's Day last week. They know the way to my heart is through stationery (and coffee). I fell in love with everything in a shop called Typo up in Bluewater a couple of weeks ago so the husband took the girls back in and this is what they chose for me. 


A girl can never have too many notebooks can she!

Happy weekend to everyone.


  1. I agree, you can never have too many notebooks, or stationery or books come to think of it. Have you seen The Wolf of Wall Street with Leonardo in, that's a great movie for the weekend if not x #WotW

  2. You can't beat getting new stationery! Glad parents evening went well and the new car skunds great! #LittleLoves

  3. I love Netgalley. It's the main reason I have way too many books sitting on my kindle waiting for me to read. My daughter went to Typo in Bluewater the other day and said how gorgeous all the stationery is - think my mother's day gift bag came from there actually. I'm another one with anxiety around driving (I do local trips to school etc but won't go on the motorway or anywhere I don't know, which is pretty much everywhere since we moved back to the UK - considering I drove when I lived in both Spain and Malta where the driving is utterly horrendous you'd think I'd be fine here, but no) so no driving to Bluewater for me but I did find their website and may have to treat myself to a few things. Have a great week! #litteloves

  4. Ugh, it's hard when all the birthdays come together, isn't it. We have a lot around Christmas and then most of the kids are April-June :(

  5. Wow, loving your Mother's Day goodies, your family really does know you so well. I think I'll have to see if Typo have an online store ;)

    1. they definitely do, not that I've looked or anything lol


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