Thursday, 10 August 2017

MOKURU - Fidget Toy Giveaway

Last months the kids and I had the opportunity to review the latest fidget toy to sweep the nation, MOKURU. This wooden desk toy is the latest invention to come from Japan, it aims to test an individual's focus and motor skills and for something that looks quite simple, it's extremely addictive once you get going.


You can see from my You Tube video that it takes some getting used to however the frustration from not mastering it initially just spurs you on to keep trying, it's like you're fighting with yourself to do better each time you pick it up. I'm still attempting to flip it up and catch it (I've never been good at using both hands at the same time) but what I love is that has kept the kids quiet for hours at a time as they concentrate on flipping it over.

MOKURU has quickly become a big hit around the world but with a lot of fakes out there that definitely don't work as well as the original so it is definitely worth taking the time to make sure you get a real one as you want it to alleviate stress not cause more when you can't make it flip and do tricks.

Now I'm offering the chance for three of you to win one of your own. Simply fill out the rafflecopter form below. The giveaway is open to UK residents only and it will end at 11.59pm on the 27th August. There will be three winners chosen and the colour of the MOKURU will be picked at random, it cannot be picked by the winners.

Good luck.

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Would love to win one of these! Keeping everything crossed!

  2. closed curtains and chill out

  3. I watch tv cuddled up with my dog!

  4. I love to have a hot bubble bath heating on! Dressing gown on snuggled up in a blanket and turning of my phone lol

  5. I'm really bad at relaxing but I love curling up with a book and the cats in the evening, ideally with a cup of tea

  6. Close my eyes and lay down on my bed ina darkened room

  7. Read a good book, preferably tucked under the duvet.

  8. I usually get my blanket, curl up on the settee, put on my headphones and get out my adult colouring books x

  9. I have a walk in the countryside by the river

  10. Sit with a coffee and a book

  11. Get comfy on the sofa and watch something interesting on TV

  12. I find colouring very relaxing and watching films.

  13. Love entering competitions to make me destress

  14. Read, have a glass of wine or run a bath.

  15. I like to keep a journal about the day.

  16. drink coffee!!! loads and loads of coffee

  17. chill out in front of the tv with a glass of wine

  18. I like to light a candle and sit and meditate, as I always feel nice and relaxed afterwards.

  19. Drink camomile tea, have a bath (without the toddler!)

  20. For me it has to be a nice cup of tea and read a good book

  21. Cup of tea and watch a film on tv without being interrupted!

  22. drink wine and binge watch tv shows

  23. Watch tv, enter competitions, read my book!

  24. I get lost in a good book with a hot chocolate

  25. I like to find a quiet space and read a book :)

  26. I snuggle up in bed with a book and escapes into the pages

  27. walk the dog -it always relaxes me to have a bit of me time

  28. Do some planning for my new cooking website, it's very relaxing, honestly

  29. To de-stress I read a good book.

  30. I like to colour very relaxing :-)

  31. I have a walk in the countryside by the river.

  32. Lose myself in a book or cryptic crossword / Sudoku puzzle

  33. crocet or crosswords if the kids will let me lol

  34. Read a book on the sofa with the hubby rubbing my feet x x x


I love hearing from my readers so please feel free to leave comment.