Wednesday, 12 July 2017

Curious Jane Book Review

Curious Jane was originally a summer camp that started in Brooklyn 8 years ago, since then it has grown into something so much bigger. Now they've released a book which is jam packed with activities on science, design and engineering which aim to show that you an do an awful lot with every day objects around you.


This is a book that will definitely get you excited about inventing things. Inside there are 34 hands on projects coming under 5 different headings : DIY Double Time, Spa Science, Engineering 101, Spy Science and DIY Your Room. Each project is introducing you to new concepts to get you making, creating, designing and inventing.

My girls have never come across as the stereotypical girl, yes they love pink and all things princess but they also like to go out exploring and enjoy getting in a mess. And what Curious Jane aims to do to make children more inquisitive.


One of the projects my lot first had a go with was Cloud in a Jar, so simple yet so effective and even my 4 year old joined in. 

What I liked as we made our way through the book deciding on what we wanted to try and achieve next there are not only the projects but there are facts on certain pages and ideas on how we can adapt these concepts further because once you've completed a project you can try it again putting your own spin on it using slightly different materials, colours etc.


The projects are great as some can be done inside whilst others get you looking at nature, make you step outside and start exploring, no need for fancy gadgets or sitting in front of TVs and computers, time to start using our imaginations and engaging our brains. Most of the ideas are fast and fun and can be done with children of all ages.

I guess my only gripe with this books is that it is primarily aimed at girls. I get that that's how Curious Jane started however all of what's included could easily be enjoyed by girls and boys and it would have been nice to have seen this book marketed in such a way.


Over all a fantastic book, it has a way of getting you to look at the most common of objects in a new way and will inspire you to literally create something new from something old. Time to let your imagination run wild!


  1. I don't like the way that the book is just designed for girls although it sounds like a fabulous book. I guess that's what the brand represents but it seems a very outmoded way of looking at things.


  2. Looks like there are lots of great activities in this. I want to know what an Inertia Zoom Ball is! One for us for the future I think.

  3. This looks a great book (shame about the 'girls' branding). One to look out for when the grandkids get a little bit older I think.

  4. Looks like this book is packed full of exciting things to do. Shame that both my children have been shut out of enjoying it because of their gender... this is such an outdated way to market books and a real pet hate of mine.

  5. looks like it has some great activities, but shame about the single sex branding

  6. My daughter would probably enjoy this and would be far better than her watching TV all the time, but tut tut to the 'girl' branding!

  7. This looks great! But I'm not sure I like the tag line "for girls..." surely if wee want equality it should be "for kids". Sometimes I think we are overcompensating a bit. Perhaps I'm over-reacting though? #readwithme

  8. I've reviewed this one too. I feel similar about the girl branding but I know there are plenty of girly girls (and parents) out there. I'm not sure how many boys would want to make face masks etc but certainly as the book moves on from spa science (their words) the rest are unisex. As much as I don't like aiming books or toys at girls or boys, I can see that it builds on their classes and if it gets more girls in to science it can only be a good thing.


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