Thursday, 31 December 2015

Project 365 2015 Week 52

These past couple of weeks have been a whirl wind. We've been so busy with Christmas, visiting family and generally having a good time, I'm honestly shocked that we've reached the last day of the year!! Because I didn't post a project 365 update last week, this is a rather long oneā€¦.

Day 354

Afternoon game time with Uncle Alec.

Day 355

My 7 year old showing she's got way more style than her mum.

Day 356

My clever husband painted up the wardrobes and shelves he built which meant they were swiftly filled up with junk. 

Day 357

Christmas started early at auntie Lucy's because she was working Christmas Day.

Day 358

Santa arrived Christmas Eve, excited!!

Day 359

Christmas Day, a day of drinking lots ..


Day 360

Hairdressers in the making. 

Day 361

Daddy was at the pub in the afternoon so it was girly pamper time.

Day 362

Trip to bluewater for the kids to spend their Christmas money, Layla got a chewbacca aaaa.

Day 363

Practicing new hair styles. 

Day 364

More presents of the alcoholic variety ..

Day 365

New Year's Eve walk in the fresh air.



  1. Lots of lovely photos. Hope you had a fab Christmas. Happy New Year...

  2. Lots of smiles, look forward to following your adventures in 2016, Happy New Year #365


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