Saturday, 3 October 2015

Project 365 2015 week 40

This week hasn't been the best. Layla caught the sickness bug at the weekend and kindly passed it onto me on Tuesday so another apology for rubbish photos for this weeks project 365.

Day 270

While Layla was taking a nap the rest of girls had makeover time.

Day 271

Layla was starting to get better and I caught a sweet moment between her and Gracie.

Day 272

A spot of baking, a nice batch of scones.

Day 273

This was my view for the day.

Day 274

My first meal in 48 hours mmmm.

Day 275

Friday night selfie time.

Day 276

The eldest two had pocket money to spend today and the 7 year old opted for this outfit she's pictured wearing.



  1. Sorry to hear you've had such a rubbish week with the bug. Love your happy selfie at the end :)

  2. hope you're feeling better now, love your daughters outfit

  3. You's always look like you're having the best time!
    Kids and their germs!! Grr! My youngest passed her sicky bug on to me. I didn't have a great day yesterday x

  4. oh no at the sickness bug getting you as well, sadly when you are dealing with the children it is inevitable.
    Well done on the scones girls, I could never master them. but love cheese ones.
    Good use of the pocket money

  5. I'm sorry to hear you weren't well. Love the selfie!


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