Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Fisher-Price Dora and Perrito Toy Review

Dora is a programme my kids have grown up with and this well known character has grown up alongside them. No longer Dora the Explorer, she has made herself some new friends and of course this means new toys are now available, one of which is the Fisher-Price Dora and Perrito toy.

Miss Dora comes with batteries included (hooray) as well her dog Perrito, a dog toy and a set of instructions. My girls couldn't get her out of the packaging fast enough!

There is no real setting up involved, you simply need to turn the switch to on, this is located on the side of Dora's body under her skirt which is perfect as it doesn't ruin the look of the doll.

Dora needs help to train her dog and your child is just the person for the job. There are 3 ways to play as well over 40 different English and Spanish phrases to be heard. The amount of phrases is something I liked immediately because I didn't feel like it was constantly on repeat.

The three game plays are as follows :

Taking perrito for a walk.
Teaching Perrito tricks.
Perritio giving Dora a kiss.

The different games are initiated by changing Dora's poses and pressing the button on her chest and in turn Perrito reacts in various ways, from laying down to jumping up on his hind legs. All fairly simple to do and extremely fun to watch. I've since had requests for us to get our own dog so we can teach it tricks.

Both my youngest two daughters were completely enthralled with it and what made the toy better was that you could take the lead away and play with Dora and Perrito separately as well as together. This made the toy ideal for both independent play and shared game play as a pair/group.

One issue we had with it is that Dora herself isn't very stable on her legs when placed on different surfaces. We had her standing on the carpet and balancing her initially was a little tricky and when Perritio began to walk/perform tricks Dora was made to fall over. 

This didn't effect the girls enjoyment with it but from a parents point of view I found it quite annoying having to keep popping her back on her feet.

Overall the Dora and Friends toy is definitely entertaining. The mix of sounds and movements make for a change in play everytime you turn the toy on and with its added English and Spanish phrases it introduces a learning element into the play time too. The kids certainly give it the seal of approval.


Disclaimer : I was sent this toy FOC for reviewing purposes but all thoughts and opinions are my own.


  1. It sounds great! And even better that it has so many different phrases.
    Your girls look like they really enjoyed playing with Dora & Perrito too.
    I bet this will be on a lot of little girls christmas wish lists!
    Great review :) TriedTested

  2. Your girls look quite taken with this one #TriedTested

  3. My toddler is a BIG Dora fan, so I know this would go down well with her. It looks like a fun product!

  4. This sounds a lot of fun - good to know the falling over didn't put your girls off, although I can imagine it would get a bit annoying! Thanks for linking up with #TriedTested

  5. This toy review is fantastic! The author provides a detailed description of the gameplay with Dora and Perrito, making me excited about this toy. I believe children will love the interactive fun with Dora and can also learn English and Spanish vocabulary from it. Thank you for sharing!


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