Saturday, 13 June 2015

Project 365 2015 Week 24

Another week has flown by and we almost had Summer. Typical British weather was on good form, we had a mix of wind, sun, rain and thunderstorms, I even managed to get sunburnt.

I can't day that it's been an awfully exciting week as I'm sure you'll see from the pictures for this weeks project 365…

Day 158

It was a nice sunny morning so we decided to go and have a stroll in the sunshine and feed the ducks at the same time.

Day 159

Layla was having a day of mixed emotions as shown by the photo below.

Day 160

I try and meal plan every week but somehow the girls managed to persuade daddy to veer off the menu.

Day 161

I missed a delivery on Monday and I didn't know what it was, after wasting all day Tuesday waiting for it, it finally arrived on Wednesday and the girls were rather impressed with what they received.

Day 162

A gorgeously sunny day and I actually managed to do some sunbathing in the garden, oh and I got burnt too.

Day 163

It's not often these two are caught together, they much prefer hanging out with their older sisters.

Day 164

Gracie was trying to fit as many spreads on her toast as possible.


  1. Fab photos! The weather has been gorgeous hasn't it.
    hahaha I love the last photo! What a great idea x

  2. Love the idea of the various spreads on the toast. My son, Finn, would love that!

  3. Can't beat a trip to feed the ducks can you, oh how I wish the sunbathing weather had held! #365

  4. your girls are solo cute, but I'm not sure about Gracies choice of toast toppings

  5. Lovely photos of the girls. The sun has been great this week.

  6. Oh the photos of Layla and her emotions are too cute! Kaz x

  7. The toast photo made me smile and I love the first shot of your four girls together x

  8. Haha I love all the spreads on Gracie's toast, fab idea! #project365


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