Wednesday 31 December 2014

New year, new targets?

So it's New Years Eve 2014, did I stick to what I said at the start of the year? My list went something like this :

* Take more pictures of my children : 

I can definitely say that I took more pictures of my children. Joining in with project 365 made sure of this, I managed to take a picture of each of my children, every day of this year. Some days had seperate photos of all them whilst others had group shots, I must count just how many pictures I took. I will definitely continue to take more photos, it has been wonderful seeing just how they've changed over the year.

* Regular family activity time :

Well this happened to a point. With Daddy Hazelden working away so much it did become difficult but we managed to fit in a few activities including visiting Dover Castle a lot!! We also learnt a bit about geocaching and took to exploring our local area.

* Home improvements :

Ok so this didn't happen. Mid year we got evicted from our home as the landlord was selling our house.  Lets just say the second half of the year has been stress filled!! We finally bought our own home 2 weeks ago and will hopefully be doing some home improvements in the new year, watch this space…

* Make more time for me :

I think I failed miserably at this one. Cramping into Living in my mums house made it difficult to get any space what so ever, the only me time I got was at 2am when everyone else was sleeping. What I'd really like now is for Daddy Hazelden to build me my very own reading nook.

* Learn to love myself :

Believe it or not I feel I half achieved this. Ok so I'm not a big fan of my body still but I stopped obssessing over the scales so much and I stopped worrying about the food intake, although I am looking forward to getting back to running in 2015.

My targets for 2015 :

So this time I've decided to not set myself any targets, I'm going to go with the flow just remembering one simple thing, the best things in life are free. Living, laughing and loving is what I will be doing in 2015.

Here's to a happier and less stressful year ahead, cheers.



  1. Well, that sounds like a great summation to me, and I wish you those three things for 2015 x

  2. I don't take enough pictures of the kids and then regret it as there are so few to look back on, so I'm going to give the 365 challenge a go in 2015!
    My only other goal for new year is to lose some weight as I'm getting married in October :)

    All the best to you and your family for 2015 x

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