Tuesday, 20 May 2014

A is for…… Attitude

The lovely Charly over at PODcast has started a brilliant new linky, The Alphabet Project. This will take place every Wednesday and we are all invited to link up with our photographs each week. So this week we are thinking of the letter A. I was searching high and low for inspiration, I found avocados, I found apples, I was even considering using the 'a' magnet on the fridge but they all seemed a tad boring and then this moment happened……

My ever so lovely 6 year old daughter was not too impressed when I told her it was bed time and how did she let me know this, hands on hips, death stare, yep that's right full blown ATTITUDE.

So this week A is most definitely for Attitude.


This post is linked with the Alphabet Project over on PODcast


  1. Mmmm attitude it must be a girl thing, Isabella is already a little madam when she doesn't want to do anything lol I get the arms crossed and stamp of a foot. A great picture! Xx

    1. haha my eldest does the stamping of feet and the pout!! x

  2. Attitude can be a great attribute I must say, unless you're a six-year-old that is.

    1. lol, yes I'm hoping it won't get any worse come the teenage years!! x

  3. Haha oh dear, that is a great face!! I have a feeling my 5 year old is walking a very similar path ;) #alphabetphoto

  4. *snort* that is such a brilliant face! Well done managing to get it on camera, that's a task in itself. I kept changing my mind with the photo choice too, this is ace! Thank you so much for sharing and joining in #alphabetphoto

    1. aaa thanks for hosting, brilliant idea for a linky!! this girls can hold this face for a long time, stubborn like her mum ;) x


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