Friday 21 February 2014

The Mummy Tag

I was recently tagged by the lovely Kate over at My Family Fever to take part in this fab meme, "the mummy tag". It is great way for you to be nosey find out more about me.

1. Are you a Stay at Home Mum or are you a Working Mum?

Primarily I am a stay at home mum, I have been since my eldest was born over eight years ago, something that I feel very lucky to be able to do. However as a qualified hairdresser, I also manage to fit in cutting peoples hair and I also write the occasional review for an online nursery company.

2. Would you have it any other way?

Honestly, there are days when I could get a bit more adult interaction but those are fleeting moments, I think I would be upset if my day to day life was to change.

3. Do you co-sleep?

I didn't co-sleep with my eldest three children as they were always very good sleepers but there was a small time when I co-slept with Layla because at one time next to me was the only place she would settle.

4. What is your one must have item for your baby?

Now this is a tough question, there are so many baby items that have helped me out over the years. I suppose a dummy. It was a lifesaver at times, a real comfort to my children when they were little.

5. How many kids do you plan on having?

Well we have four kids and unfortunately for me that is as many as we are going to have. Daddy Hazelden had the snip soon after I had Layla. I personally would have had another two children.

6. Date night? How many nights per month?

This is something that Daddy Hazelden and I regularly discuss doing but life always gets in the way, whether that be work, lack of money, no babysitter, it just never seems to happen.

7. Your child's favourite show?

Right now Elise and Freya love watching Adventure Time, Gracie is a huge fan of Doc McStuffin and Layla loves Minnies Bowtique.

8. Name one thing you bought before you had your baby and never ended up using?

The cot mobile. My children are like their mummy and really love their sleep so were always asleep te minute I put them in their cot so I never felt the need to wind up the cot mobile.

9. Your child's favourite food?

Elise loves cheesy pasta, Freya never turns down a chicken curry, Gracie seems to have an addiction to crunchy nut cornflakes and Layla really enjoys any sort of biscuit, sometimes they are the only thing I can get her to eat.

10. How many cars does your family have?

We have the one car. This at times can be a real pain because when Daddy Hazelden is at work I have to rely on my mum to get me places. The trouble is we can't fit all of the kids in as well as me, good job I like walking ;)

11. Weight gain before pregnancy during and after and now?

Before I got pregnant with my eldest daughter, I knew I was over weight so inbetween each time that I have been pregnant, I have gradually lost more weight. I only ever weighed myself after I had given birth but I was always back to prep pregnancy weight a week or so after popping. It wasn't until I was pregnant with Layla that I actually weighed myself during pregnancy and I managed to only put on 12lbs. I weigh less now than what I did 10 years ago which is a good feeling!!

12. Dream holiday with your kids?

I always dreamed of going to DisneyWorld Florida when I was younger and really I am still dreaming about it as it has yet to become a reality and I would love for that dream to come true with my kids there with me.

13. Dream Holiday without your kids?

Aaaaa quiet time you mean? Well actually this holiday will be happening this year. Daddy Hazelden and I are going away for 4 nights to Ibiza. Not everyones cup of tea but this is a place that we have loved going on holiday to, we have been 3 times already as a family but we are looking forward to a bit of adult only time.

14. How has your life changed since your baby has been born?

Now that I sit here and think about it, I think my life has changed massively. Obviously I no longer go out to work, if/when I do it is from the comfort of my home. Unfortunately I lost a lot of friends when I started having kids but I have started building a close group of friends both in real life and virtually so I think that change was probably for the better. With each child I have had, I have become busier, more stressed some days, but those kisses and cuddles at the end of each day remind me that it is all worth it. Overall my life has become more full of love and life and gets better with each day.

15. Finish the sentence: 'It makes my heart melt to see…'

My kids growing into kind, strong and independent little ladies, makes me feel like I'm doing something right.

16. Where do you shop for your kids?

I tend to shop at Next, Tesco (well I get my mums discount ;) )and Primark.

17. Favourite makeup and skincare products?

I don't tend to use any skincare products as I have really sensitive skin with eczema so good old water does the trick there. Makeup wise, I don't have a favourite brand as long as I have tinted moisturising foundation, eyeliner, mascara, lip balm, then I'm happy.

18. Huggies or Pampers?

When I wasn't using cloth nappies, then I always opted for huggies, I'm a sucker for Winnie the Pooh.

19. Have you always wanted kids?

You might be surprised to hear this but no. My mum will tell you that when I was younger I was never bothered and I even said that if I was to have a baby that she could look after it until it was potty trained. I was a different person back then, now I am forever broody and feel like I was born to be a mum.

20. Best part about being a mum?

The unconditional love that I get from my children.

I am tagging Fiona from Mama's Baby Loves, Rachael from L-Plate mummy and Alex from Broody Me. Looking forward to seeing your answers.



  1. I am very jealouys of your romantic getaway time this year! Lovely to know a bit more about you and your 4 gorgeous girlies.

    1. aaa but you will be at Britmums having an amazing time, I'm jealous of that!! x

  2. I'm very jealous that you're getting an adult getaway this year! I also dream of taking my kids to Disney World!
    Lovely read. I will do mine later :) x

  3. I love that you would have 6! Me I'd have a footy team if I had the space, finances and age on my side

    1. Honestly gutted I can't have more but we were being sensible because like you finances wouldn't have been on our side x


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