I myself wear make up almost every day, I have done since I was around the age of thirteen. And it wasn't til a couple of days ago when my eldest daughter asked me the question, "why do you wear make up mummy?", that I really had to think why did I? Now if I am honest I really struggled to answer her question.
I knew what I wanted to say, the plain and simple answer would be that I think I look better with make up on, I personally hate how I look without. Others may think that I am a very confdent person but truthfully I crtiticise myself on a daily basis and I am always wanting to change something about the way I look.
I don't even know what has made me think this way, I can't pin point what made me start wearing make up in the first place but I do think seeing beautiful pop stars, actresses etc did play a part subconsciously. I can't blame my mum because she doesn't wear make up and at almost 54 years old, she still looks good with the natural look, I am more than a tad jealous of her.
From a young age it has become habit for me to atleast put on a bit of foundation, eyeliner and mascara, even when I was at school, I almost feel naked without it.
Below are two pictures, one of me with no make up and one of me with make up on :

These days I tend to wear make up to cover up the spots and blemishes, you can see on the first picture that I have eczema around my nose which I really despise, it just looks like I have a permanent cold. I also think that make up tends to make me look less tired, as a parent sleep can be hard to come by sometimes!!
Since having kids, I don't wear make up every day, not because I don't think I need it but because I don't have the time to do it. I've had comments off one of my friends that I look poorly without make up on as I am naturally very pale skinned. If I don't have time to "put my face on", I hide behind my glasses instead.
The problem that I have in answering that question is that I don't want my daughter's to feel like they need to wear make up, for one at this age they are not old enough, although they do put on mummy's lipstick when at dressing up at home sometimes. The second reason, they are all so pretty anyway, I know I am biased because I'm their mum but they really are.
I'm hoping my girls will be more confident than me and love themselves more than I allow myself to do so that they won't feel the need to wear make up or atleast not lots of it. I want them to aspire to be themselves, not like others.
And now your wondering what answer I gave in the end. I am ashamed to say that avoided it and managed to change the subject as I just couldn't think of the right words to say without coming across as hypocritical some how.
Do you wear make up, what is the reason behind wearing it, are you confident enough to go out without make up on?? Would you know how to answer the question about why you wear make up if your child asked?
What an interesting post. I enjoy wearing make up and wear it most days but I am just as happy without it. For me wearing make up is a creative thing. I love experimenting with colours and keep an eye out for latest trends. You have inspired me and I hope you don't mind but I might write a post on this. I will link to you to credit you with the idea. Do you mind if I do that? You have really made me think! ! X
ReplyDeleteWould be more than happy for you to write a post on this!! Thank you for taking the time to read my post, it is nice to hear a different POV about it all x
DeleteI rarely wear make-up. I went to an all-girls school and didn't think about it much as a teenager. Then, I studied science at uni and didn't wear make-up because I didn't want to be 'itching' my face when I was handling chemicals! So, I never really got in to the habit. (I also never really bothered with fashion because no-one can see what you're wearing under a lab coat!)
ReplyDeleteI do think I look better when I wear it, though. So, when I go to work I put on some foundation, mascara and lipstick - all in 'natural' colours. However, I do have sensitive skin, so don't wear any on the days that I get a flare-up. I think I look more tired and washed out when I go without make up.
I have a daughter, aged 3. She sometimes watches me put my make-up on and, this summer, asked to have her toenails painted, like mine. My husband was unimpressed but I saw it as dressing up rather than role-play. I'm hoping that I can encourage her to see her natural beauty when she hits her teens but I suspect her friends will exert more influence over her at that stage!
PS I think you look good in both your photos :-)
Thank you for your comment!! I like you see the painting toe nails as dressing up as such. xx
DeleteWhat an interesting post. I don't wear make-up and the only time I ever have done is when I was 23-26 and going out a lot. I'm now 40. Yes I don't like it when I get a spot, but hey, there's worse things in life! I do personally feel that all women are expected to wear make-up otherwise people don't view them as 'real' women, and that is sad :-(
ReplyDeleteI hope I get to a stage when I don't feel the need to wear it!! thank you for commenting x
DeleteI think sometimes when people say you look poorly, I think it can be because they just aren't used to seeing you without make-up.
ReplyDeleteI do love wearing make-up, I love applying it, I find it fun but I'm also happy to step out without make-up. For work I tend to just slap on a bit of foundation before heading out the door, sure I don't look my best but I don't care that much. I'm sure many men would look better with a bit of make-up but most don't wear any, nor do they feel the pressure so at the same time I also think as women we ourselves should learn to be comfortable in our own skin. Make-up should just be fun.
Sharon x
Beauty, Miscellany
That is true, just doesn't do much for my confidence when they say it. I agree though, make up should just be fun and that is how I want my girls to see it, just wish I could make my brain think the same thing x
DeleteI wouldn't take it to heart too much, some people are just used to constantly wearing make-up themselves and find it weird when others don't, so their perception of looking normal can be askew, although I know how one throw away comment can damage. I honestly think you look just as good either way. You have a youthful appearance that can get away with wearing none at all. If I'm having a problematic time with my skin I do cover up or sometimes just cover myself in Sudacrem. I don't think I ever became more confident about not wearing make-up just increasingly lazy when I entered my thirties, the confidence came after.
DeleteI do still love wearing make-up and spend quite a bit of money but it's all for fun. I do feel like wearing make-up is more prevalent these days, girls start younger and younger wearing serious, full on faces - from what I've seen they're also much better at applying it than when I was a teenager. I do feel in a way we're going backwards, we're more focussed on looks rather than intelligence, it's so important that young girls grow up knowing that looks shouldn't matter.
Sharon x
I love your way of thinking, I hope I manage to see things like yourself, as ultimately beauty is within isn't it!! x
DeleteI very rarely wear make-up these days, not because I don't think I need it, but because of a time issue. Sometimes I can go a whole week before realising the last time my hair had a brush was a week before! I do think I look better with make-up but I am not one of those who enjoy putting my face on, I also don't enjoy wearing it! So like you I hide behind my glasses & mummy cardigans, scrape my hair back & hope for the best! Great blog post, you look beautiful with & without make-up :)
ReplyDeletehaha I'm so with you on the brushing hair front!!! thank you so much for your comment x
DeleteI didn't start wearing make up properly until I was around 23. Not because I didn't feel I needed it but because, funnily enough I didn't feel confident enough too. My bf at the time used to mock me when I tried it.
ReplyDeleteNow I wear at least foundation, mascara and blusher daily. I feel naked without it and sadly I do think I look tired, pale and rough without it. My daughter has also asked why I wear it and I also dodged the question as I don't want her knowing how that still my self confidence is quite low. She's beautiful and I want her to be confident in her skin, much more so than I am.
I think you look absolutely fine with no make up by the way. A naturally pretty face :) x
It is so tough when you have little people to think about isn't it. I've recently had a break out of spots and my 6 year old takes joy in pointing them out, I have to laugh off her comment when inside it is making me more self conscious but I'm trying to show them that they don't need to cover up as such x
DeleteThis is a really interesting post - I wear make-up and have always loved having a very distinctive look. I think the most importance message you can teach your children is to be confident in your own skin. I have scheduled a post about make-up and image - it's something I'm quite interested in now that my daughter has turned one! I think the media has a lot to answer for - but I also don't see the harm in being someone who treats each day as a 'special occasion' and dressing so - all I hope is that I set a good example to my daughter for not being afraid to stand out - whether that's made up, not made up or otherwise! x
ReplyDeleteI think you have a great attitude!!! I agree the media has a lot to answer for, I think it has got worse over the years. I look forward to reading your post. x
DeleteI started wearing makeup to stop me being bullied in school. It worked. And since then it makes me feel stronger and more confident. Now I am a carer - and nearly as old as your Mum - I wear it for normality, so that I haven't given in and given up caring about my life and how I look x
ReplyDeleteI think it is personal to the individual isn't it. I am so sorry that you were bullied, no one should have to exeperience things like that in life!! Im glad make up empowered you to be a stronger person x